mercredi 4 septembre 2019

SIAM UQ20: Call for MS proposals

*** On behalf of GdR MASCOT-NUM's Organizing Committee ***


Dear GdR members, dear readers of the GdR news,

The next SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, UQ20, will take place in March 2020 on the Garching campus of TUM:

In order to support the organization of minisymposia (MS) by members of the MASCOT-NUM community, GdR MASCOT-NUM offers to provide (possibly partial) funding of the registration fees for the organizers of such minisymposia.

The funding will be limited to one person per MS (the "main chair"), and conditional on the acceptance of the MS by the organizers of the conference.

The proposals will be evaluated by the GdR Organizing Committee according to the following criteria:

  1. Scientific relevance of the proposal with respect to MASCOT-NUM themes,
  2. Scientific quality of the proposal and relevance of the invited speakers,
The presence in the list of speakers of a PhD student or young researcher associated with the GdR community will be appreciated positively, even though it is not a necessary condition to apply.

Please send your MS proposals to before Sunday 15, 6 PM (apologies for the tight deadline) with the following information:

  • MS title and abstract,
  • Name + affiliation of the (possibly prospective) speakers,
  • For each talk, if already known : title + abstract.

We are waiting for your proposals !

The GdR MASCOT-NUM Organizing Committee.

Note 1 : Young researchers invited in such sessions can apply to Student and Early Career Travel Support on the conference web site (deadline : 16 September).

Note 2 : Total or partial funding will be provided depending on the number of proposal selected for funding and on the actual registration fees (not published yet).

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