mardi 9 octobre 2018

MASCOT-NUM 2019: call for PhD student communications

Le bureau du GdR vous informe :
Dear colleagues,

The 15th venue of the MASCOT-NUM annual conference will be held in Rueil-Malmaison, near Paris, from 18th to 20th March, 2019.

The first day of the annual Mascot-Num workshop is devoted to PhD students communications on topics related to the Mascot-Num network activities, i.e. sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification in simulation, design and modelling of computer experiments, model calibration and validation, structural reliability, optimization under uncertainty, data-driven modelling methods, etc.

The second day will be dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Luc Pronzato. A serie of presentation centered around in Luc’s favorite research topics is scheduled.

The last day will be devoted to talks of invited speakers on topics linked to the GDR MASCOT NUM activities.

PhD students are invited to submit a two-page abstract using the LaTeX abstract template in attachment. Seven students will be selected by the Mascot-Num Scientific Committee for oral presentations on March 18th, 2019. The other accepted abstracts will be considered for the poster session to be held on the same day.

The PDF file shall be sent by December 14th, 2018 to

Please specify in your email if you want your abstract to be considered for an oral presentation or a poster. Authors will be informed whether their abstracts have been accepted in oral or poster by 28 January.

A prize of 1000€ will be awarded for the best oral presentation by the Mascot-Num scientific committee. A prize of 500€ will be awarded for the best poster by the Mascot-Num scientific committee.

This event is supported and organized in the framework of the IFP Energies nouvelles and GDR Mascot-Num.


The GdR MASCOT-NUM board

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