mardi 6 juin 2017

ETICS summer school (october 2017)

The next summer school ETICS (École thématique sur les Incertitudes en calcul scientifique, Research school on Uncertainty in scientific computing) will be held this year in Porquerolles (France) during the first week of october (1-6 October 2017).

The goal of this school is to develop the skills of researchers and engineers in the domain of uncertainty  management  of  computer  codes.  Some  of  the  lectures  will  be  followed  by practical computer works. Collaborative works, round tables and poster sessions will promote exchanges between  participants.  The  prerequisites to  possess  are  the  mathematical  bases  of the uncertainty quantification science.

  • Max Gunzburger (Florida State University, USA)
  • Luc Pronzato (CNRS - Sophia Antipolis, Nice)
  • Sébastien Destercke (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
  • Pierre-Henri Wuillemin (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
  • Nicolas Bousquet (EDF R&D, Chatou).

The full program can be found here:
Registration fees: 900€ - Link for registration:

The number of participants is limited. Registration will be closed once the limit has been reached.

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