vendredi 20 décembre 2019

Save the date: Next MASCOT NUM meeting in May 2020

The 16th edition of the MASCOT-NUM annual conference will be held from 4th to 7th May, 2020.

Registration will open in January. The scientific program, as far as information on the registration are now available on the website:

We also recall that the first day of the annual Mascot-Num workshop is devoted to PhD students communications on topics related to the Mascot-Num network activities, i.e. sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification in simulation, design and modelling of computer experiments, model calibration and validation, structural reliability, optimization under uncertainty, data-driven modelling methods, etc.

PhD students are invited to submit a two-page abstract using the LaTeX abstract template Seven students will be selected by the Mascot-Num Scientific Committee for oral presentations on May 5th, 2020. The other accepted abstracts will be considered for the poster session to be held on the same day. The PDF file shall be sent by January 31th, 2020 to

Please specify in your email if you want your abstract to be considered for an oral presentation or a poster. Authors will be informed whether their abstracts have been accepted in oral or poster by end of february. A prize of 1000€ will be awarded for the best oral presentation by the Mascot-Num scientific committee. A prize of 500€ will be awarded for the best poster by the Mascot-Num scientific committee.


The chairs Peter CHALLENOR, Céline HELBERT and Clémentine PRIEUR.

mardi 10 décembre 2019

SIAM UQ20: Mini-Symposia organized by MASCOT-NUM members

A list of mini-symposia organized by MASCOT-NUM members at the SIAM UQ20 conference is available on the GdR web site:

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